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I've finally read IT ENDS WITH US by Colleen Hoover!

Hello, everyone and welcome back to my beige corner!

I finally finished 'It Ends With Us' by Colleen Hoover, translated in Slovenian. I must say I was not in love the first 50 pages and wanted to stop reading it, BUT I wanted to give her a change and I must say it is not a bad book.

Colleen's books are not my favorite. I feel they are written for teenage girls and all have the same plot - a handsome but toxic guy and "totally-in-love" stupid girls who let men abuse them. For me they are not romance books. If I want to read a romance book I would pick the one who has a beautiful plot like 'Notebook'... schout out to Nicholas Sparks.


Sooo.... Let's talk about the characters of the book.

Lily, Allysa and Atlas (+)

I really liked Lilly's and Allysa's relationship and I'm sure I'm not the only one who liked Atlas. Let's be honest, Atlas seemed to good to be true, but I heard 'It Starts With Us' is focused more on his story, so I'm planning to read it. I'm not expecting it to be better than 'It Ends With Us', I heard mixed reviews, but we'll see.

Ryle (-)

I'm at a loss for words when it comes to Ryle. At first I liked him, but chapter 2 already changed my opinion about him haha! There were chapters that I tought "oooo" and there were chapters that I tought "UGH"! ;D

Overall, I don't have much to say. Those "romance" books with:

- main character who loves a toxic handsome guy

- then toxic handsome guy who is usually a doctor

- one good female friend who is far away from being smart

- one good male friend who loves main character but can't be with her

are usually not my fav ... maybe when I was 12.

After all, from the middle of the book I started liking it. Book is good and easy read.


I also tried annotating the book for the first time, and that's how it looks:

"In the future ... if by some miracle you ever find yourself in the position to fall in love again ... fall in love with me." (Atlas from 'It Ends With Us').


Thank you for reading my post and I'll see you in my next one!


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