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Is NORMAL PEOPLE Worth The Hype?

Author: Sally Rooney

Genre: Novel (Romance)

Publisher: Faber & Faber

Pages: 266

My Rating: ⭐⭐ / 5

Hellouuuuu, my book lovers!

I'm back with another review of a book that has received a lot of attention and, in my opinion, should not have. Let me tell you, finishing this book was extremely difficult. I would not have finished it if it had more pages. Why would I spend so much time on a bad book? BUT, I needed to finish it so I could write this review now hehe! I know if I would not read a book, people would say: "You didn't even finish the book, so you can't say it's bad." — but I did. That's why I did. :D

It is boring and depressing. is boring and depressing. I didn't like the characters at all, and to be honest, each sentence in a book made me roll my eyes all over again.

I also didn't like Sally's writing style, and I've never seen a book with dialogues that aren't quoted. It is just a big NO for me.

Normal People is one of those books with no plot and is overly sexual. Marianne and Connell, in my opinion, were friends-with-benefits, and it's interesting to read reviews that say: "Oh my God, this book represents my life. That is exactly how I feel."

If you're wondering why I gave this book two stars, here's why. One star goes to me and my efforts in finishing this book. :P

My final thoughts... very boring and frustrating book, I'm glad I didn't buy it but borrowed it from the library, guys, save your time and read something else.

I don't usually write negative reviews, but this book just didn't do it for me. Thank you for reading my post. <3

See you in my next blog post.


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