Author: Colleen Hoover
Genre: contemporary thriller romance novel
Publisher: Hoover Ink, Inc
Pages: 336
My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ / 5
Hellouuuuu, thriller lovers!
I am proud to inform you guys, that I have finished reading 'Verity'. It is my first book by Colleen and I'm glad, I chose to read it first. I am a huge fan of thriller novels. They never fail to entertain me.
Colleen has the same writing style as me, which was the first thing I noticed. Yes, if you didn't already know, I'm working on my first thriller novel, which you can read by clicking on the link below:
I don't even know where to start. I felt this is going to be a good book from the first few pages and my gut was totally right. The terrifying scenes were very well-explained, perhaps there were a few too many sexual sequences, which I've noticed, new young authors write a lot of, but other than that it is fantastic and it makes book even more fantastic.
Verity's manuscript was soooo scary and really uncomfortable to read. What an awful mother she was? BUT, that's what makes a story a masterpiece.
My brain is still processing the info from the book. I've always had the entire story in my head, as well as a mental image of each character ─ what a home looks like, and how the children appear. I got chills, because I pictured every line I read.
I was thinking for a long time that the story reminded me of another story, and then I remembered: 'Shutter Island!' If you liked the movie, I guarantee you'll enjoy this book as well.
That is all from my side, my lovely people.
If you liked my review, don't forget to give it a ❤️ and comment down below, which team are you ─ team manuscript or team letter?
I was in a dilemma for a few moments, but I still decided to be a team manuscript. *pssst*